
How to Sell a Million Copies of Your Non-Fiction Book

How to Sell a Million Copies of Your Non-Fiction Book

Less than 0.003% of books published will ever sell a million copies. This article will show you exactly what it takes to be in that 0.003%.
15 min read
Marketing Trumps All

Marketing Trumps All

Warning: These are the most powerful marketing lessons I’ve learned.
4 min read
“Feed me!”

“Feed me!”

At any other restaurant, the bill would come at the end of the meal, and the entire group would struggle to calculate how much each of them owed. At Ted’s, the bill looks a lot different...
1 min read
Yelp marketing

Yelp marketing

Having a sense of humor put this restaurant back into the position of power, and effectively neutralized all of the over-the-top critics. If your company’s brand is edgy, don’t ignore your critics. Embrace them.
Palahniuk marketing

Palahniuk marketing

I’ve always loved the story of how Chuck Palahniuk wrote Fight Club. He went around in bars, talking to groups of people about their fears and regrets. He’d also ask them about what their life was like. Then he would sit at the bar and write.
2 min read
Let me give you some advice

Let me give you some advice

When friends are looking to vent their problems, a lot of us tend to jump straight into giving them advice. You know where they’re going wrong, so why not save them a lot of time and just tell them? The problem with this is that it doesn’t work.
1 min read
Getting more positive reviews on Amazon

Getting more positive reviews on Amazon

Imagine you're an author releasing a new book. Offer it free to those who pre-order and write an Amazon review (100+ words, positive or negative). Refund them once the review is posted. It's an effective, affordable strategy to garner early attention upon release.
How to Market Australia

How to Market Australia

Before this, I’d never really considered going to the Great Barrier Reef. I’ve always wanted to travel around Australia, but I never thought much about the GBR. Now I’m looking at pictures of it, seeing how beautiful it is, and actually doing research on what it’s like.
3 min read
Giving gifts = Marketing

Giving gifts = Marketing

How good are you at giving gifts? Has a recipient of one of your gifts ever cried tears of joy after seeing what you’ve given them? Or are the responses to your gifts always lukewarm? Give people what they actually want, not just what you like and think they want.
2 min read
Piggybacking trust

Piggybacking trust

Telling somebody how great you are isn’t convincing. In order for them to believe your assertion, you either have to prove it repeatedly with your actions or you can piggyback on trust. Here’s how to do the latter...
3 min read