Best of The Blog

10 Ways to Play With Your Kids
Sometimes, playing with your kids can feel boring, demanding, and exhausting. Here are some ideas to make it more enjoyable.

How to Sell a Million Copies of Your Book
Less than 0.003% of books published will ever sell a million copies. This article will show you exactly what it takes to be in that 0.003%.

How I Cured My Anxiety
This article was the #1 Google search result for 'anxiety cure' for 4 years. It's helped countless people. I hope it helps you.

What All Wealthy People Have in Common
"I still get frustrated by this fact, because it’s so simple and obvious, yet no one teaches this to you when you’re growing up. In fact, we’re all raised to believe something far more destructive..."

How to Raise Money for Your Book
For authors who want to learn how to offer compelling rewards and bonuses for crowdfunding campaigns on Kickstarter.

What I Learned from Uber's CEO
Six years ago, Tim Ferriss introduced me to Travis Kalanick. To date, I have never been more impressed by anyone.

How to Make A Professional Book Cover
Here's our process for creating an iconic cover, and how I worked with a world-class cover designer.

7 Lessons from Hosting Recess for Adults
Everyone says they want to want to work less and have more fun… but is that really true? I started a meetup group called “The Recess Project” to find out.

In Memory of My Friend
"The other day, a very good friend of mine passed away. He swallowed pills, and died by himself. He was loved by everyone, but was alone late in his life. I hadn’t spoken to him in a year. I regret that."

Mass Shootings in America, and Why Men (and Boys) Keep Doing This
"I’ll never forget April 20th, 1999. I was 12 years old, sitting in art class in middle school. Suddenly, our principal came on over the PA..."
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