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My Top Articles on The Power of Play Welcome! On this page, I’ve curated a list of articles I’ve written on the power of play. There’s something here that can improve everyone’s life – health, relationships, business, and learning. If you enjoy this content, sign up for my newsletter and I’ll send y

My Top Articles on The Power of Play

Welcome! On this page, I’ve curated a list of articles I’ve written on the power of play. There’s something here that can improve everyone’s life – health, relationships, business, and learning. If you enjoy this content, sign up for my newsletter and I’ll send you my books for free.

My feature in Fast Company. Tony Robbins shared this with his followers.
For 5 years, this was the #1 search result on Google worldwide for “anxiety cure.”
Most popular piece I’ve written. This went viral after the Las Vegas shootings.
Guest post I wrote for Tim Ferriss’ blog.
My most popular thread on Twitter.
This was my 4th TEDx talk, called “How to Fix Our Broken Work.”
I challenged my readers to go play. This was the result.
If you’re wondering “How does play affect the bottom line?” This post is for you.
I created a group for people wanting to play in Austin. This article lays out the lessons I learned.
How a World Chess Champion releases stress and leveled up his game.
How does behavior change in the classroom when you triple (3X) students’ play time?
An interview with my friend, whose play project turned into a Coca-Cola commercial.
Heartwarming story of a family who was brought back together through play.
How this woman used play to instantly overcome debilitating anxiety.
This veteran attributes play to his ability to overcome addiction and PTSD.
This popular app provided a glimpse into how quickly our mental health improves with play.
How the ‘Oracle of Silicon Valley’ found his entrepreneurial edge.

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